Accredited Skills Programmes


Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority

Course Name NQF Level Credits Duration
Skills Programme 1
Unit Standards Covered

246694: Explain the requirements for becoming a security service provider
244177: Conduct a security patrol in area of responsibility
244184: Apply legal aspects in a security environment
244176: Use security equipment
244179: Handle complaints and problems
244181: Perform hand over and take over responsibilities
244182: Give evidence in court
12484: Perform basic fire fighting
116534: Carry out basic first aid treatment in the workplace
3 39 3 months
Skills Programme 2
Unit Standards Covered

244189: Conduct access and egress control
242825: Conduct evacuations and emergency drills
11505: Identify, handle, and defuse security related conflict
117705: Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act
113924: Apply basic business ethics in a work environment
119465: Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative context
114979: Operate a computer workstation in a business environment
3 35 2.5 months
Skills Programme 3
Unit Standards Covered

113909: Coach a team member in order to enhance individual performance in work
13912: Apply knowledge of self and team in order to develop a plan to enhance
team performance
244578: Describe how to manage reactions arising from a traumatic event
113852: Apply occupational health, safety and environmental principles
13936: Outline the legal environment of a selected industry
119472: Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication
11508: Write security reports and take statements
3 39 3 months
Africa Cosmos Security Academy (Pty) Ltd

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